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Posted: December 7, 2015

Mischief and theft from Canada Post mailboxes

The Grinch is in town!

Recently there has been a rash of damage done to community Canada Post mailboxes in Cranbrook and outlying areas. In some instances, mail has been damaged or stolen from individual mail compartments and red letter boxes. In total there have been five separate incidents between November 9 and December 7, Cranbrook RCMP reported this afternoon.

Rural areas have been particularly targeted. Residents are asked to check their mail frequently and report any thefts in the event that identity theft occurs.

If anyone has any information on similar incidents, they can be reported to Cranbrook RCMP at (250) 489-3471 or Crime Stoppers.

Above image: The 38th Avenue South (Gold Creek) section of post boxes were found vandalized this afternoon (Dec. 7).

Photo by Carrie Schafer/e-KNOW

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