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Posted: June 14, 2016

Notes from City Hall


CityofKim LogoThe City of Kimberley Operations Department would like to remind residents that in accordance with the ‘City of Kimberley Streets and Traffic Bylaw No. 1877, 1995,’ it is your responsibility to look after your boulevard. A person being the owner or occupier of land shall:

– 508.1:  cut grass and weeds on the boulevard abutting that person’s property; and

– 508.2: keep in good repair and up to city standards, driveways crossing the boulevard                               abutting that person’s property.

Summertime is construction time

To ensure the safety of all concerned, please keep a respectful distance (minimum 90’ / 30 m) from any city crews or contractors, open ditches and heavy equipment. Watch for and obey any signs posted. Thank you for your cooperation.

Civic CentreArena Ice Allocation Meeting

All organizations/groups requesting to utilize the City of Kimberley Civic Centre and/or Marysville Arena ice for the 2016-2017 season are to attend the ice allocation meeting. This will be held on Wednesday, June 22 at 6 p.m. at Centennial Centre.

Thank You

The Planning Services Department would like to express our sincere thanks for your patience and understanding to everyone impacted by our reduced staffing levels since last fall. We are happy to advise that we now again have a full-time Building Inspector to assist with your construction, building permit and inspection questions.

Chris Newel Photo
Chris Newel Photo

NorthStar Rails-to-Trails

Morning, afternoon or evening…the time is right to get out and enjoy this great trail connecting Kimberley and Cranbrook! Trail Maps and more info available at and also on Facebook. To report an issue with the condition of the trail, please contact: 250-427-9660 (Kimberley) or 250-489-0218 (Cranbrook).

Kimberley Community Development Society AGM

Riverside Campground
Riverside Campground

The public is welcome to attend the AGM on June 23 at 3 p.m. at City Hall. The KCDS manages city assets including Cominco Gardens (pictured above) and the Riverside Campground. The society is looking for new board members and this is the perfect opportunity to learn more about what they do in our community.

Cemetery Caretaking

The Parks Department kindly reminds anyone placing floral offerings on grave spaces that, except immediately after interment, the following conditions will apply:

Flowers only. Natural or artificial may be placed in grave space containers, provided the container is part of the memorial. Flowers placed on grave spaces may be removed by city staff while performing maintenance duties. Flowers will be disposed of at the discretion of city staff when the condition of the flowers is considered detrimental to the beauty of the cemetery.

Floral offerings, wreaths, or ornamental monuments may be placed at the grave space, provided they are free standing and are not staked into the ground. If they are staked into the ground, they will be removed by city staff and disposed of.

The use of wood, glass, porcelain, pottery, or other breakable containers, either above or below the ground is prohibited.

Hanging Baskets

Come out to our beautiful Platzl and have a look at the hanging flower baskets, they look amazing! Be sure to also have a look at the new hanging flower baskets along the strip in Marysville.

City of Kimberley

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