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Posted: June 27, 2016

Council adopts Annual Report Monday

At its Annual General Meeting on Monday, June 27, city council approved and adopted the City of Cranbrook’s 2015 Annual Report.

The Annual Report reviews the accomplishments of each city department and provides information around the city’s finances for the previous year. The report also provides a look ahead to projects and programs each department has on its respective work plan for the next two years. Production and distribution of an Annual Report is a requirement under Section 99 of the Community Charter.

Residents and business owners are strongly encouraged to review the Annual Report, to see how their tax dollars are being spent and find out what each city department is working on.

Some highlights in 2015 include: elimination of the two-tier recreation fee schedule; the decommissioning of the Idlewild Dam and successful $2.8 million grant to rebuild and improve Idlewild Park; development and implementation of an economic development strategy in partnership with the City of Kimberley; replaced the 30-year-old motor control centre at the Spray Irrigation property; conducted an in-house review of the city’s grant to organizations program; replaced the mechanical and electrical equipment to bring three of the city’s deep wells back online; converted all city owned street lights to LED which will save significant amount of energy and maintenance costs and established a full service fire protection level for the city and Electoral Area C residents of the Regional District of East Kootenay.

Copies of the 2015 Annual Report are available for pickup at reception at City Hall or can be downloaded from the City of Cranbrook website at

City of Cranbrook

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