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3 facts you need to know
About the balanced budget
Kootenay East MLA
1. B.C.’s fifth consecutive balanced budget cuts MSP payments in half and puts $4 billion more into healthcare. These are the benefits to people of good fiscal management, management that the NDP is incapable of.
2. This budget adds tens of millions to: education; vulnerable youth; parks and new campsites; invasive weeds; Community Living BC; 2,000 new childcare spaces; increased benefits for persons with disabilities and housing.
3. B.C. is the only province with a balanced budget and a triple A credit rating. If B.C. had Ontario’s credit rating, taxpayers would pay $2 billion a year more for interest on the provincial debt. In 10 years of government, the BC NDP balanced the budget one time.
This message sponsored by BC Liberals, Kootenay – East