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Posted: April 10, 2017

Sparwood Council Facts

The following is a synopsis of what occurred during the April 4 District of Sparwood council meeting.


Audited Financial Statements

David Adams of Adams Wooley Chartered Professional Accountants provided council with an overview of the district’s financial position prior to their approval of the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2016.  The financial statements will be included in the 2016 Annual Report when it is published in June.


Mine Rescue and First Aid Competition

Council approved a request from the East Kootenay Mines Industrial Safety Association (EKMISA) to hold the 96th Annual Mine Rescue & First Aid Competition in Sparwood on May 13. EKMISA felt that it would be fitting to hold the zone competition in Sparwood this year in honour of the 50th Anniversary of the Balmer North Mine explosion. Events are being planned in the Titan Park area, Causeway Bay Hotel, east of the Esso, and Centennial Square.

Sparwood Golf Club

Council endorsed a recommendation from the Committee of the Whole Meeting held March 27, directing district staff to undertake a cost benefit analysis of providing annual funding to the Sparwood Golf Club and confirm the level of funding required. A report will come back to council at a future meeting upon completion of the review.

Youth Advisory Commission

Council appointed Kelly Thies, RN, BN, Public Health Nurse, replacing Amanda Marshall, to the Youth Advisory Commission commencing April 15, for a period of two years. The Youth Advisory Commission’s role is to facilitate the development and oversee the operations of a Youth Network which delivers programs, activities and events specific to the current interests of local youth between the ages of 12 and 18 years within Sparwood.


Parcel Tax Bylaw Amendment

Sewer and Water Reserve Replenishment Parcel Tax Assessment Roll Bylaw 1091, 2012 Amendment Bylaw 1203, 2017 was given first three readings. This amendment is required to update the maps in Bylaw 1091 outlining properties serviced with water and/or sewer and to add a new lot on Matevic Road. Details on the tax amounts, purpose and how long the tax will be imposed can be found in Bylaw 1092.


Media Relations Policy

This policy outlines who can address the media in an official capacity on behalf of the district. The purpose of the policy is to provide consistent and high standards in district media relations.

Cellular Phone / Mobile Telecommunications Device Policy

Council approved the district’s Cellular Phone / Mobile Telecommunications Device Policy. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to all individuals who have been supplied with a mobile phone or tablet by the district for use in their work on expectations regarding the use of such devices.  All users must ensure the devices are secure by setting passwords and that the equipment is stored safely and securely when not in use.

Other News

2017 Citizen Satisfaction Survey

Every other year the district conducts a survey to ask citizens how satisfied they are with district performances, services and overall quality of life in Sparwood, so that we can plan for the future based on what is important to YOU.  The survey will take about five to 10 minutes to complete, and to say “thank-you” for participating, you can enter our draw to win a Leisure Centre activity pass or local gift cards valued at $25 and $50. The survey can be completed online or you can pick up a paper copy at the Main Office or Leisure Centre. Survey CLOSES on April 18. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact us at [email protected].

Easter Holiday Garbage Pick Up Schedule

Garbage that is normally picked up on Friday, April 14 will be picked up on Thursday, April 13. Garbage that is normally picked up on Monday, April 17 will be picked up on Tuesday, April 18.

Clean-up Sparwood 2017

It’s spring!  Notice anything emerging from the snow? That’s right. Garbage. Lots and lots of garbage!

We are once again looking for volunteers to help clean up Sparwood from the garbage that has accumulated over the winter.  The 2017 Sparwood Cleanup is also happening on Earth Day so we are challenging all businesses and homeowners to go outside and cleanup around their space.

Our big community cleanup day will be April 22 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. but groups can participate anytime in the preceding or following week.  A staging area will be set up in the Greenwood Mall parking lot, near the post office, where volunteers will be supplied with garbage bags, gloves, kids scavenger hunt, and high-vis vests (if desired).  Door prizes will be drawn near the end of the cleanup!   After the cleanup, participants can head over to the Taste of Sparwood in Greenwood Mall for some socializing and tasty snacks!

The first 20 volunteers to sign up get a free Sparwood water bottle! For more information or to register, please contact Jessica Wheeler at 250-425-6829 or via email at [email protected].

Upcoming Meetings:

Regular Meeting‹- Tuesday, April 18 at 7 p.m.

Special Meeting – CBT Communities Initiatives Program – Wednesday, April 19 at 7 p.m.

District of Sparwood

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