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Posted: April 14, 2017

Short-term rentals survey underway

The City of Fernie is evaluating how to manage short-term rentals (STR) in the community and need residents’ views on the subject.

“This is a complex issue. With the help of a citizen task force, we have put together a survey gather your insight and opinions on short-term rentals in Fernie. The survey will close on April 27,” the city stated on its website.

The management and regulation of short-term rentals has been an escalating issue in the City of Fernie. In 2014 it was identified as a challenge in need of solution through the Official Community Plan process. The city has put together an information package on STRs if you would like additional information.

On February 21, a public conversation and information session and was held to discuss short-term rentals in Fernie. The information and feedback from this meeting was recorded and is available for download .

The city developed a primer brochure on STRs in Fernie, which is also available for download.

Take the Short Term Rental Survey


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