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Traffic volumes to swell from closure
Heads up Creston, Cranbrook and other East Kootenay highway-side communities as a larger than normal volume of traffic is coming.
The TransCanada Highway (Highway 1) was closed at 1:30 a.m. (June 9), 25 km west of Revelstoke (before Sicamous) because of a wash out.
There is no estimated time of the highway re-opening. A Geotech engineer is on site, DriveBC reports.
The alternate route is via Highway 23 and Highway 6 or Highway 31A, through Shelter Bay, Galena Bay, Needles, and Faurquire, or Kaslo to Balfour/Nelson.
Anyone needing to head east will have to weave down to Highway 3.
There is currently a three to four ferry sailing wait to cross Upper Arrow Lake Ferry (Highway 23 Shelter Bay to Galena Bay) due to heavy traffic from the highway closure.
For travellers coming into the East Kootenay, it’s the start of another busy late spring weekend and traffic volumes are always higher than usual. Please drive to conditions.
Be advised there is construction on Swansea Bridge on Highway 3, 18 km west of Cranbrook, with work generally running from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Additionally, there is paving work on Highway 3, three km east of Jaffray, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The road is reduced to single lane alternating traffic with possible delays up to 10 minutes. Please reduce speed to 50 km/hr during construction hours and 70 km/hr during non working hours.
Lead image: Highway 3 in Cranbrook earlier this morning. DriveBC images