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Posted: October 16, 2017

Highway 1 project going to bid

A project to improve safety and increase capacity by four-laning a section of the Trans-Canada Highway, between Donald and Forde Station Road, will soon be posted to BC Bid.

“The Trans-Canada Highway is a vital link for the people of British Columbia and getting this project out to tender shows our commitment to accelerating upgrades between Kamloops and the Alberta border,” announced Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Claire Trevena during a tour of the corridor Oct. 12.

The Donald to Forde Station Road project is located approximately 20 kilometres west of Golden, and will expand 2.5 kilometres of highway to four lanes and improve access to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Enforcement inspection station. The ministry anticipates awarding the contract in early 2018, with construction occurring from spring 2018 through fall 2019.

The total estimated project cost of $19.4 million is cost-shared, with the Government of Canada contributing up to $7.27 million through the Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component – National and Regional Projects, and the province providing the remaining $12.13 million.

Accelerating Highway 1 upgrades between Kamloops and the Alberta border is a specific priority in the mandate letter for the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, and is supported by the Budget Update 2017, which committed $273 million over the next three years, a Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure press release outlined.


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