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RDEK Board Highlights
The following is a synopsis of what occurred during the Jan. 5 Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) board of directors’ meeting.
Wasa area Commercial and Industrial Development Permits
The board gave first and second reading, and authorized a public hearing, for a bylaw amendment that will create a new requirement for commercial and industrial development in the area covered by the Wasa Area Official Community Plan to obtain a development permit for form and character before proceeding with construction. The purpose of the development permit requirement is to establish visual and aesthetic design standards for commercial and industrial construction and to promote energy and water conservation.
The public hearing for Bylaw No. 2817 will held on January 23 at the Wasa Community Hall.
Electoral Area E – Detached Secondary Suites
A bylaw amendment to the Electoral Area E Zoning and Floodplain Management Bylaw to permit detached secondary suites above the first floor of a detached garage was given first and second reading by the board. The new rules will only apply to those zones in the bylaw that already allow for a secondary suite.
The public hearing for Bylaw No. 2818 will be held on January 23 at the Wasa Community Hall.
Proposed Environmentally Sensitive Area Development Permit Area postponed
A proposal to include an environmentally sensitive area development permit area in the Wasa and Area Official Community Plan was postponed by the board to allow more time for additional communication. The proposed development permit area would require landowners with an environmentally sensitive area on their property to obtain a permit for certain types of development activities. Additional consultation is anticipated to occur later this winter.
KEYSA grant approved
The Kootenay East Youth Soccer Association will receive a $130,000 grant from the Community Works Fund to go toward the construction of an indoor sports facility.
Projects approved for funding under the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund
The following seven projects have received a total of $109,439 in funding under the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund for 2018:
- Reintroducing Northern Leopard Frogs to Columbia Marshes - $19,084
- Lake Windermere Community-Based Marketing - $12,870
- Luxor Linkage Resiliency and Forest Restoration - $32,000
- Columbia Valley Farmland Advantage Stewardship - $17,985
- Strategic Invasive Plant Control of Leafy Spurge - $6,500
- Columbia Lake Ecosystem Monitoring and Education - $11,000
- Kootenay Community Bat Project - $10,000
In addition, the RDEK board approved the Kootenay Conservation Program’s 2018 budget for the administration of the Conservation Fund Program in the amount of $21,250.
Service Level Agreement signed for Accelerate Kootenays’ Direct Charge Fast Charging Stations
The Chair and CAO have signed the service level agreement with BC Hydro for the ownership, operation and maintenance of the Direct Charge Fast Charging stations being installed through the Accelerate Kootenays project.
New Utility Advisory Commission to be created
The board has approved the establishment of the East Side Lake Windermere Water System Utility Advisory Commission. This volunteer commission will provide input to the RDEK and the Electoral Area F Director on the operations and maintenance of the East Side Water Service Area, including recommendations on user fee rates, service expansion and water conservation policies.
The RDEK is currently taking applications for the new Commission. The deadline to apply is January 26 and more information is available at www.rdek.bc.ca/careers .
BC Transit to be invited to appear as delegation
BC Transit will be invited to the February Columbia Valley Services Committee Meeting to discuss options for smaller vehicles and its rationale for a spare vehicle.
Old Kimberley Landfill Closure Plan contract awarded
Sperling Hansen Associates has been awarded the contract to develop, draft and submit a Closure Plan for the old Kimberley Landfill to the Ministry of Environment. The landfill has not been in operation for many years and this contract will begin the process for the permanent closure of the site.
Work begins on creation of Waldo Cove Park
RDEK staff have been authorized to begin working on creating an Electoral Area B park at Waldo Cove (pictured above) on the east side of Lake Koocanusa – north of Kragmont. Aside from formalizing the work plan, one of the first steps will include submitting a number of applications to various provincial ministries. While work will begin in 2018, the entire process is expected to take at least a year to complete.
Fairmont Path designated as a Regional Park
The board has designated the Fairmont Path as a Regional Park and amended the RDEK’s Regional Parks Plan to include the Path under the Electoral Area F Parks and Trails Service.
RDEK and RDI partner on grant application
The RDEK and Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute (RDI) will partner on a grant application to the BC Rural Dividend Fund for the purpose of shifting the focus of the RDI towards meeting the needs of local government partners. In addition, the RDEK board has approved $20,000 per year in 2018 and 2019 from general administration for the RDI for the project.
Special Event Licence granted for Panorama Mountain Resort
Panorama Mountain Resort has been issued a Special Event Licence for its February 17 Alberta Family Day Fireworks Show.
Jane Herman and Karl Conway have been appointed to the Invermere Library Board to represent Electoral Area F, while Daneve McAffer has been appointed as Canal Flats’ representative to the library board for the term January 9, 2018 to December 31, 2019.
Discretionary Grants-in-Aid (DGIA)
Jaffray Elementary Junior Secondary School will receive $1,000 from the Electoral Area B DGIA account to help o set the costs associated with the Grade 10 trip to China.
The Kootenay Livestock Association will receive $1,500 from the Electoral Area C DGIA account for a greenhouse at Steeples Elementary School.
The Wasa & District Lions Club will receive $1,000 from the Electoral Area E DGIA account for the Tri-Village Kids Club Valentine’s Dance. The Lions Club will also receive $750 from the Electoral Area E DGIA account for the Kneller/Olafson Benefit Dinner.
The Columbia Valley Greenways Trail Alliance will receive $3,500 from the Electoral Area F DGIA account and $1,500 from the Electoral Area G DGIA account for the purchase of “Trishaw” bikes for the Cycling Without Age Chapter in Invermere.
The Windermere Valley Minor Hockey Association will receive $2,000 from the Electoral Area F DGIA account to help o set costs associated with hosting the Tier 4 BC Hockey PeeWee Provincial Championships.
The Toby Creek Nordic Ski Club will receive $2,500 from the Electoral Area F DGIA account and $500 from the Electoral Area G DGIA account for the purchase of equipment for its youth program.
The Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce will receive $4,000 from the Electoral Area F DGIA account and $1,000 from the Electoral Area G DGIA account to help offset costs associated with the next steps in developing the new valley wide Destination Marketing Organization (DMO).
Monday, January 22 at 7 p.m. at the Wilmer Community Hall – 9179 West Avenue, Wilmer
Bylaw No. 2796 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Steamboat-Jubilee Mountain Official Community Plan Bylaw 1926, 2006 Amendment Bylaw No. 11, 2017 (Wilmer / Charette)”
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Bylaw No. 2797 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 900, 1992 – Amendment Bylaw No. 331, 2017 (Wilmer / Charette).”
Monday, January 22 at – 4 p.m. at Baynes Lake Community Hall – 468 Jaffray-Baynes Lake Road, Baynes Lake
Bylaw No. 2821 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Baynes Lake Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2319, 2011 – Amendment Bylaw No. 7, 2017 (Saunders Rd. / Stout & Munro)”
– and –
Bylaw No. 2822 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – South Country Zoning and Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 2320, 2011 – Amendment Bylaw No. 13, 2017 (Saunders Rd. / Stout & Munro)”
– and –
Bylaw No. 2825 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Baynes Lake Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2319, 2011 – Amendment Bylaw No. 8, 2017 (North Star Rd. / Gonnelly)”
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Bylaw No. 2826 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – South Country Zoning and Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 2320, 2011 – Amendment Bylaw No. 14, 2017 (North Star Rd. / Gonnelly).”
Tuesday, January 23 at 7 p.m. at Wasa Community Hall – 6145 Wasa School Road, Wasa
Bylaw No. 2817 is cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Wasa and Area Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2501, 2014 – Amendment Bylaw No. 5, 2017 (Form and Character DPA/RDEK).”
Tuesday, January 23 at 7 p.m. at Wasa Community Hall
Bylaw No. 2818 is cited as ““Regional District of East Kootenay – Electoral Area E Zoning and Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 2502, 2014 – Amendment Bylaw No. 16, 2017 (Detached Secondary Suites / RDEK).”
Check RDEK Bylaws section for more on specified bylaws.
Important Dates
CBT Community Initiatives & Affected Areas Program Application Deadline: 2 p.m. January 22.
Visit www.rdek.bc.ca for program information and application forms.
Electoral Area Volunteer of the Year Nomination Deadline: January 31.
If you know an amazing volunteer who contributes to the heart of your rural community, nominate them for the 2018 Volunteer of the Year award! Application forms are available at www.rdek.bc.ca.
Thursday, February 8 – Committee Meetings – TBA
Friday, February 9 – RDEK Board Meeting – 9 a.m.