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Home » Medieval Faire and Feast Oct. 20

Posted: October 11, 2018

Medieval Faire and Feast Oct. 20

On October 20, Cranbrook’s very own Van Horne Park (located between the Cranbrook History Centre and the Prestige Inn) will be host to Cranbrook’s first Medieval Faire and Feast, in partnership with the Cranbrook History Centre and The Incipient Shire of Aeriesgarde.

This daylong gathering of your local chapter of the Society For Creative Anachronism (SCA), brings together regional history enthusiasts from as far away as Calgary and Edmonton.

The SCA is an international not-for-profit organization devoted to bringing the Middle Ages and Renaissance to life through research and re-enactment, and employing their knowledge of history to enrich their lives and the lives of others. With over 300,000 participants worldwide, the SCA is one of largest living history societies in the world.

This daylong Medieval Faire and Feast features a free demonstration from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. with Rapier and Armored Fighting, Artisans and Performers, Children’s Activities, Medieval Board Games, Dancing, and Viking Tug-O’-War!

Drawing inspiration from the guilds and great universities of the historic world, the SCA places a strong emphasis on teaching and sharing knowledge. Demonstrations being offered at this event include chainmaille, weaving, spinning, blacksmithing, dancing, and block printing.

For the evening we will move over to the Royal Alexandra Hall, where the fun begins with cocktails at 6 p.m. then dinner at 7 p.m., a ‘Feast Fit for a King,’ with Loaner Costumes and a Costume Contest for participants who bring their own.

The night will continue with a dance, and instruction on some traditional medieval dances. Tickets must be pre-purchased by October 17. Get yours today by heading down to the Cranbrook History Centre, calling 250-489-3918 or by contacting [email protected].


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