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Posted: February 22, 2019

SD5 Board Notes

The following is a summary of board motions carried during the February 12 School District No. 5 (SD5) Board of Trustees meeting held in Cranbrook

Motions Carried


That the Board sends a letter to the City of Cranbrook to start the process to advocate for flashing lights on 11th Avenue by Amy Woodland Elementary School.

That the Board tentatively approves the Jaffray Elementary Jr. Secondary School Field Trip to Ecuador in April 2020.

That the Board writes a letter to both the Minister of Education and the Premier of BC in support of the BCTF’s letter on the BC Graduation Program. Copies will be provided to all partner groups who were part of the Advisory Groups on Provincial Assessment (AGPA) as well as all Boards of Education in the province.


That the Board of Education approves Draft Policy 3.44 Challenge of a Learning Resource.

That the Board of Education approves Revised Policy 3.32 Allergies and Life Threatening Allergies in Schools.

Student Services

That the Board of Education approves, in principle, the support of a Social Emotional Learning Centre for grades one to three in the 2019/2020 budget. That the Board of Education investigates the proposed reinstatement of the Alternate Program at Laurie Middle School.


That the board reads a third and final time the 2018/19 Amended Annual Budget on the 12th of February, 2019 in the amount of $74,877,054.

See the Feb. 12 agenda

Lead image: The SD5 (Southeast Kootenay) School Board of Trustees left to right top row: Kathryn Kitt, Patricia Whalen, Bev Bellina, Wendy Turner, Trina Ayling, Krista Damstrom. Bottom row: Chris Johns, Frank Lento, Doug McPhee. SD5 photo


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