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Home » Ammonia leak evacuation drill at Civic Centre

Posted: February 25, 2019

Ammonia leak evacuation drill at Civic Centre

The City of Kimberley will be undertaking an ammonia evacuation drill at the Civic Centre Arena this Thursday, February 28 at 1 p.m.

The objectives of this drill are to enhance the awareness of staff on evacuation processes at the arena, to reinforce previous emergency training and strengthen skills when dealing with emergencies.

The drill will be comprised of City of Kimberley management staff and Fire Department personnel, and will simulate an ammonia leak evacuation.

“It is our duty to ensure that all safety requirements are met and that staff members are trained and prepared for the unlikely event of an emergency of this type,” said Chief Administrative Officer Scott Sommerville.

Throughout the afternoon, residents could potentially see and/or hear alarms going off at the Civic Centre, emergency personnel on location, as well as staff exiting the building in full personal protective equipment and gathering at the Aquatic Centre (Muster Point).

The City of Kimberley actively works alongside WorkSafe BC and Technical Safety BC to ensure the safe and effective operation of all its facilities, and that the refrigeration plant is inspected routinely and in safe working order.

City of Kimberley

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