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Notes from City Hall
The Monday, October 21 City of Kimberley Committee-of-the-Whole meeting is being replaced with a Special Meeting of Council to provide council and the general public with a revenue policy overview in relation to the preparation of the 2020-2024 Five Year Financial Plan. The meeting will take place in Council Chambers at City Hall at 7 p.m. The next regular meeting of Council is scheduled for Monday, October 28 at 7 p.m. in the same location.
Marysville Water Distribution System Flushing
During the next few weeks, the city will be performing flushing and maintenance of the water lines in the Marysville area. In order to ensure safe drinking water and to maintain the water distribution system, the city annually flushes water lines in the community using city fire hydrants.
Residents may notice discolouration in the water while this activity is being undertaken. This discolouration is not a public health concern. The city continues to monitor the quality of the water during this process. In the event that cloudy water is experienced, turn on an outside tap (preferred) or run your bathtub until the water clears. For further information, please contact the Operations Department at 250-427-9660.
Childcare Survey Deadline
The deadline to participate in both the Parent and Childcare Provider Surveys is Monday, October 21. Please take the survey to have your say on childcare in Kimberley! The surveys will help form the foundation of Kimberley’s Child Care Action Plan. Survey links are available on the city website at www.kimberley.ca/child-care-needs-assessment-2019. Respondents will have a chance to win a $50 Save-On-Foods gift certificate.
Election Day Free Bus
Catch a free ride to the polls on election day! BC Transit and the City of Kimberley will be offering free transit services for residents to your designated polling station on Election Day, Monday, October 21. Kimberley residents vote at Centennial Hall and Marysville residents vote at Bootleg Gap Golf Course. Residents can call BC Transit at 250-427-7400 to arrange your ride and should do so by Friday, October 18. BC Transit will do their best to accommodate requests made on election day.
Marysville Arena Opening October 21
The Marysville Arena is opening on Monday, October 21, with public skating beginning the week of October 28. See the schedules for both the Marysville Arena and Civic Centre.
Aquatic Centre Swim Passes On Sale
The Aquatic Centre is selling swim passes for $2 each, valid for one free child/youth/student public swim during the month of November. These are a great alternative to candy at Halloween! Get yours at the Aquatic Centre at 520 Archibald Street or call 250-427-2983 for more information.
Halloween at the Aquatic Centre
Have you heard about Boo-nanza?! Have a howling good time at the HALLOWEEN BOONANZA on Friday October 25! Activities for all ages! For details call 250-427-2983 or visit www.kimberley.ca and click on the link to Aquatic Centre. Also find up-to-date information on Facebook.com/CityofKimberley.
City of Kimberley