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Elder Abuse Awareness Day event June 14 at seniors centre
To raise awareness of elder abuse, Seniors-in-Partnership is giving away free face masks to seniors in the Cranbrook area on June 14 for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
“This is a day to celebrate the seniors in our lives,” said Charlene Sperling, Seniors Navigator. “The whole community benefits from increased participation of older adults in the community.”
Drive/drop by the table outside of the Cranbrook Seniors Centre to pick up a free face mask and a piece of cake. The Seniors Centre is located at 125-17th Ave S Cranbrook.
We will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Learn how to watch for signs of elder abuse, and what you can do to prevent it.
For those seniors who are unavailable or unable to get out on June 14, arrangements can be made for face masks to be delivered to your home.
Call the Seniors Navigator at 250 919-3244 or email [email protected]
Seniors-in-Partnership would like to thank the BC Association of Community Response Networks for their help in making this WEADD celebration possible. Community Response Networks facilitate prevention and education activities toward an end to abuse, neglect and self-neglect of vulnerable adults in B.C.