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Posted: November 21, 2020

Actions speak louder than a newsletter

Letter to the Editor

Response to Wayne Stetski

Wayne, your ability to put pen to paper has been noted.  Unfortunately, you don’t get the facts straight and you hope that the constituents of Kootenay-Columbia will just eat up everything you say.

A Member of Parliament is allowed four householders per calendar year and a maximum of eight constituency mail outs for an entire constituency.  Your decision to carpet-bomb constituents with as many taxpayers funded newsletters or questionnaires as legally allowed by the House of Commons was your choice.  That doesn’t mean you got anything done.

There is another spoiler alert for you;  2020 has been like no other year with this thing called the COVID-19 pandemic.  You may not be aware, but all levels of government (Federal, Provincial and Municipal) are dealing with restrictions, shutdowns and complete closures.   I would challenge you to find any MP that has sent out the number of newsletters or questionnaires that you suggest unless you are an NDP MP whose only responsibility over the past 12 months is to prop up the Liberal Government.

Constituents, businesses and families are facing challenges they never anticipated.  You of all people should be aware of the volume of concrete assistance that has been provided by MP Morrison’s office to constituents throughout the riding when they need it most.  Along with COVID-19 related matter there are still numerous other federal issues which constituents require assistance.

A mail out does not indicate all the work that a Member of Parliament is doing.  Actions speak louder than a newsletter and constituents of Kootenay-Columbia are being served well by their Member of Parliament, Rob Morrison during this most difficult time.

David Wilks,


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