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Home » Kootenay-Columbia Green Party EDA seeking candidate

Posted: December 21, 2020

Kootenay-Columbia Green Party EDA seeking candidate

Do you want to be part of the Annamie Paul/Green Party of Canada team in the upcoming federal election?

The Kootenay-Columbia Green Party of Canada (GPC) Electoral District Association (EDA) is working to find the best candidate to win the Kootenay-Columbia electoral district and strengthen the Green Party presence in Parliament.

“It is very clear that the Trudeau-led Liberals would like to move from minority to majority government status,” according to Andy Shadrack, EDA director, deeply experienced politician and political analyst.  “All signs are pointing to the Liberals seeking to lose a non-confidence motion over the coming winter months, thus triggering a late winter or early spring election. The Kootenay-Columbia Greens are working to be well-prepared with a strong candidate chosen and on the campaign trail before an election is called.”

The 2019 federal election candidate Abra Brynne stated that: “In my fall 2019 federal election campaign, we were able to significantly increase the Green vote and we have been working hard since then to strengthen our party in the Kootenay-Columbia riding. With Annamie Paul (pictured above) as our dynamic and popular new federal party leader, I think we are set for a breakthrough in 2021. I won’t be seeking the nomination this time around, but I am working very hard as part of the EDA executive to maximize our chances for success in 2021.”

Bill Green, former candidate (2011 and 2015) and co-chair of the EDA has outlined plans for the candidate nomination contest: “If you have strong Green values and a political orientation, please think carefully about the opportunity to become the Green Party candidate in the upcoming election. The candidate nomination process starts now.  We can provide some offsetting of lost income for our candidate in the federal election during the campaign period in the hope that financial considerations don’t stand in the way of prospective candidates.”

Please contact Bill Green if you are interested.

Bill Green

“Time is of the essence, as we expect to formally close the window for nomination contestants to step forward in mid-January. There will be opportunities to meet Green Party members who will then vote to choose our candidate at an online meeting in late February. We will share our candidate selection criteria with interested individuals to help them make their final decisions. The federal party organization also has a strong candidate vetting process,” he said.

Even if you aren’t interested in seeking the Green Party nomination, you may want to participate in the process and become a member, Green suggested in a media release.

“You can join the party and there are lots of other ways to participate: (i) become our financial agent or another director on our EDA board; or (ii) join the election campaign team for the successful Green Party candidate.”

For more information, or if you are interested, please contact Bill Green ([email protected]).

Green Party of Canada photo


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