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Home » Edgewater Transfer Station fire quickly extinguished

Posted: December 10, 2022

Edgewater Transfer Station fire quickly extinguished

Members of the Edgewater Fire Department responded to a small fire at the Edgewater Transfer Station Friday night.

“Upon arrival, crews found a chair and pile of books on fire on the apron near the transfer station bin,” said Columbia Valley Rural Fire and Rescue Chief Drew Sinclair. “There was a noticeable smell of accelerant at the scene and we believe the fire was deliberately set.”

A RCMP file has been opened and anyone who may have seen anything suspicious at the Edgewater Transfer Station early Friday evening, particularly between 6:30 and 6:50 p.m. is asked to report it to the Columbia Valley RCMP.

“There is absolutely no excuse to put our firefighters and the general public at risk. Anytime we have a fire on these sites, it presents a safety risk and could easily grow to be a much more serious situation. We are asking anyone with any information to contact the RCMP,” added Sinclair.

Four firefighters and two pieces of apparatus from the Edgewater Fire Department responded to the scene and were able to quickly douse the flames. While there was some damage to the signage on site, the fire did not impact the transfer station bins and the transfer station remains fully operational.

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