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Home » Key City Theatre seeks public input via survey

Posted: December 12, 2022

Key City Theatre seeks public input via survey

Key City Theatre is undertaking a review of our diversity, equity and inclusion practices.

To help us better understand where we are at and the community we serve, we are working with Bakau Consulting to gather information about individual experiences and perspectives.

This survey is for anyone and everyone – whether you are a current patron of the venue or someone who does not attend at all.

Responses are anonymous

Please note that some of the questions may have wording that you may find challenging – acknowledging this, we have opted to support the language and questions that were derived from a range of inputs and perspectives provided to our consultant.

Click here to access the survey.

The Survey will close on Friday, January 6, 2023.

If you have any concerns, please connect with the consultant at [email protected]. In the subject line please indicate “[the Key City Theatre Survey].”

This project was made possible with the generous support of the BC Arts Council.

This is a big step forward for Key City Theatre – and we are so grateful for your support and honesty in this discussion!

Key City Theatre

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