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Home » Kimberley SAR provides reminders after rescue

Posted: January 5, 2023

Kimberley SAR provides reminders after rescue

On Wednesday (Jan. 4) at approximately 3 a.m., Kimberley Search and Rescue (SAR) was tasked to assist two people and their dog who became stuck and stranded on a forest service road

Both people and the dog were successfully reached and brought back to town with no injuries.

Again, Kimberley SAR would like to remind the public that there is no charge for service. If you or your group is in need of help, do not hesitate to call ASAP!

Cold temperatures will put you and your group at risk for hypothermia and worsen any condition.

I’m addition to this reminder, BC AdventureSmart and Kimberley SAR would also like to remind individuals to pack any provisions that could be needed to spend a night in the back country.

BC AdventureSmart and Kimberley SAR recommend packing the following gear:

Flashlight (spare batteries);

Fire making kit (matches/lighter and candle);

Whistle/mirror (signaling device);

Extra food and water (one litre/person);

Navigation aids;

First aid kit;

Emergency shelter;


Extra dry clothing (base layers, jackets, blankets).

Kimberley SAR is a non-profit organization. Any donation is of great help to us and provides us with a chance to increase our resources to provide a more efficient response to help those in need. If you wish to donate, please visit our website

We need your help to support our community! Please donate today.

Kimberley Search and Rescue

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