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Stop calling addictive drugs “safe supply”
By Doug Clovechok
We must focus on treatment and recovery.
It absolutely breaks my heart when I see that mental health and addiction issues are taking the lives of people right here in our communities and throughout British Columbia.
Recently we have mourned the tragic loss of residents from Invermere and Revelstoke. The impact goes beyond the individual to families, co-workers, friends, and neighbours. These are public health issues that touch everyone.
We are seeing lives turned upside down by workplace accidents and prescription drugs. Addiction does not discriminate. These struggles are seen in both urban and rural communities, affecting all ages and walks of life.
Our BC Liberal Caucus, under the leadership of Kevin Falcon, has tabled holistic treatment solutions in our “Better is Possible” policy statement. This is the first time that an opposition party has taken the lead with a comprehensive plan to deal with this crisis. Why aren’t the NDP acting on it?
“When people want treatment, they need it immediately,” said Shirley Bond, Shadow Minister for Health. “Recovery can lift people from social isolation, poverty and self-destruction, and help them rebuild careers, restore relationships and regain their health and happiness. We should be doing everything we can to make that possible.” Six people per day are dying.
Treatment and recovery facilities must never be exclusive to those who live in the Lower Mainland or who can afford to pay high fees for private services. We need help right here in our riding and across rural B.C.
There are a lot of hard-working people who want to access treatment, but they just don’t have anywhere to go. We need to have more local treatment facilities and we need them right away.
Why is it taking so long for the NDP to recognize how critical the need is and why have they not allocated resources in the last six years?
The federal government sent a clear directive to the NDP about the decriminalization of illicit drugs. This change was to happen only in tandem with increased treatment and recovery resources.
The B.C. government focused on decriminalization without providing sufficient treatment and recovery options. There are no guardrails in place for this program. Without these other measures in place, decriminalization without providing holistic and inclusive pillars of recovery is irresponsible and flat out doesn’t work.
Just because publicly supplied addictive drugs are monitored does not mean that using them is a safe practice. It is terribly misleading for the NDP to call these highly addictive drugs “safe supply.”
We need to re-think the potential harm of referring to any opioids (heroin, morphine, and fentanyl), crack and powder cocaine, methamphetamine, or MDMA as being “safe.” No drugs are safe.
The NDP needs to immediately put more resources into rural B.C. when it comes to mental health and addiction.
As always, I will keep fighting for our region to get results on this and other issues that affect life in Columbia River-Revelstoke.
I want to hear from you on any concerns you have about this or any other issue. I read every email I receive. Please reach out to me at [email protected] or call my office in Kimberley at (250) 432-2300 or Revelstoke at (250) 805-0323.
– Doug Clovechok is Member of the Legislative Assembly for Columbia River-Revelstoke