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Home » Danger tree removal coming for skate and bike park area

Posted: April 12, 2023

Danger tree removal coming for skate and bike park area

The BC Wildfire Service and contractors working for the City of Kimberley will be performing danger tree removal in the vicinity of the Skate Park and Bike Park over the coming week.

There are many large and dangerous trees with dead branches posing a hazard to park users. A portion of the Lions Way Trail will be closed while crews are working.

Please respect closures for your own safety.

The BC Wildfire Service is utilizing this as an opportunity for training.

While many of the large cottonwoods will be removed, the good news is that the City of Kimberley has received a $7,500 grant from BC Hydro to replant new trees as part of the Kimberley Bike Park Redesign.

Kimberley Trails Society

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