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Home » Victoria Gardens provides affordable rental units in Cranbrook

Posted: April 24, 2023

Victoria Gardens provides affordable rental units in Cranbrook

People with low incomes in Cranbrook now have access to 20 new affordable rental homes with the opening of Victoria Gardens.

Located at 126-21 Avenue South, Victoria Gardens is a four-storey apartment building on a BC Housing-owned lot. The new units replace the previous building on the site that was approaching the end of its life.

The redevelopment has increased the number of homes from 12 to 20, including 16 one-and two-bedroom homes for individuals, seniors and families with low incomes, along with four units for people living with disabilities.

“Families and seniors in Cranbrook will benefit from more affordable housing, right in their community and close to their loved ones, schools and the services they count on,” said Ravi Kahlon, Minister of Housing. “After decades of under-investment in housing across the province, our government is working with partners and taking action to build homes that make life more affordable for people in rural areas and throughout B.C.”

Victoria Gardens is centrally located near amenities and services, including grocery stores, parks, schools and health services.

“This new apartment building will add much-needed affordable housing units in the city of Cranbrook,” said City of Cranbrook Mayor Wayne Price. “On behalf of council, I want to thank the province and BC Housing for their investment in Cranbrook and for their support of our residents.”

The province, through BC Housing, has invested approximately $8 million in the project through the Affordable Rental Housing Program. The Canadian Mental Health Association’s (CMHA) Kootenay branch has been selected to manage the building.

“Canadian Mental Health Association for the Kootenays is privileged to be the operator for Victoria Gardens in Cranbrook,” said Carey Fraser, executive director, CMHA for the Kootenays. “The mix of one- and two-bedroom units is safe, affordable and well-located to meet the needs of the community. We take much pride in working with the City of Cranbrook in meeting the housing needs for the people of the city.”

All former tenants were provided with relocation assistance and successfully housed elsewhere. These tenants have been offered homes at Victoria Gardens at the same rate they were paying at the original homes. Tenants began moving into the new homes on March 1.

BC Housing photo


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