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Home » Water line flushing begins May 1 in Kimberley

Posted: April 26, 2023

Water line flushing begins May 1 in Kimberley

In the coming weeks, City of Kimberley crews will be flushing water lines in the community using city hydrants.

This work ensures safe drinking water and maintains the water distribution system.

Residents may notice discolouration in the water during this process. This discolouration is not a public health concern.

Flushing and maintenance operations will begin May 1 and continue for several weeks.

In the event that cloudy water is experienced, turn on an outside tap (preferred) or any cold-water tap and run the water until the water clears.

If you require further information please contact the Operations Department at 250-427-9660.

e-KNOW file photo

City of Kimberley

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