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Home » Cranbrook firefighters head to West Kelowna

Posted: August 20, 2023

Cranbrook firefighters head to West Kelowna

Our province is in a State of Emergency. We know how it feels to need resources because of a wildfire.

“Only one month ago, help arrived at ʔaq’am from Kelowna and across the province. Today our team was asked to return the favour, and we are proud to be given the opportunity,” Cranbrook Fire and Emergency Services noted on social media August 19.

“Structural Defence Teams are made up of provincially trained, municipal firefighters, working for BC Wildfire to support communities impacted by fire. We have benefited from this system in the past and are grateful for the chance to serve others today.

“In addition to deployments in Fort St. John and Sparwood, our team has been able to send two members to West Kelowna to help fight the McDougall Creek Wildfire.

“As part of a Provincial Structure Defence resource, we all benefit. Stay safe gentlemen!”

Cranbrook Fire and Emergency Services photo


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