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Home » Encompass welcomes local midwives to pregnancy care team

Posted: October 2, 2023

Encompass welcomes local midwives to pregnancy care team

Maternity Physicians and midwives will work collaboratively at the EPCC to provide comprehensive, high-quality, and personalized perinatal care.

Encompass Pregnancy Care Cranbrook (EPCC) has welcomed local Registered Midwives (RMs) Anne Leblond and Carolyn Thibeault to the EPCC. By fully integrating Registered Midwives into Encompass Pregnancy Care Cranbrook, the EPCC is taking an innovative approach to team-based maternity care that strengthens support for patients throughout their pregnancy journey.

“We are excited about the benefits this integration will bring to our patients and our local healthcare community,” said Dr. Tanya Burch, Physician Lead, EPCC. “We want current and future patients to know: You are welcomed here. Our pregnancy care team is here for you, we are connected and strong, we collaboratively support your choices for care, and we will work together to provide comprehensive, high-quality pregnancy care to you and your growing family.”

A team-based approach to care means patients will likely see all pregnancy care providers throughout their pregnancy and postpartum journey, enabling them to benefit from the expertise of both midwives and physicians. No matter which pregnancy care provider patients see during their visit, they will be cared for to the same high standards of care and compassion.

“Anne and I are looking forward to working as part of the integrated team of pregnancy care providers to offer safe, personalized care to local families,” said Thibeault, RM. “And we would like to send a huge thank you to the community and the families who we had the honour of caring for over the last 18 years as part of our former practice, East Kootenay Midwives. It is with tears of gratitude that we say ‘goodbye’ to our former patients and midwife practice, and with excited smiles that we greet our new colleagues and patients ‘hello’ at the EPCC.”

Encompass Pregnancy Care Cranbrook is a team-based pregnancy care practice co-located in Cranbrook’s Urgent and Primary Care Centre (UPCC). The EPCC launched in May 2022.

“The EPCC was created in response to our community’s needs and offers an innovative team-based care approach to both strengthening and sustaining maternity services in Cranbrook and Kimberley, “ said Jaquie van Zyl, program manager at the East Kootenay Division of Family Practice.

“There is a shortage of maternity health care providers in rural communities across Canada. It is a testament to the strength and creativity of our regional medical community that, through physician leadership and collaboration between Interior Health, Ktunaxa Nation, and the EK Division of Family Practice, we were able to move forward a new shared care model to maternity care in a way that benefits both patients and providers and helps to stabilize and sustain perinatal services in our region.”

Encompass Pregnancy Care Cranbrook is part of the East Kootenay Primary Care Network (EK PCN), a network of team-based care providers in the region. By being part of the primary care network and located in the Urgent & Primary Care Centre, perinatal patients attending EPCC will have one-stop access to team-based care, such as mental wellness clinicians, physiotherapists, social workers, and more.

The Encompass Pregnancy Care clinic is accepting new patients from Cranbrook and surrounding communities. If you would like pregnancy care, please phone the Urgent and Primary Care Centre to

make an appointment: (250) 420-2323, or, visit for more info.

Above images: Registered Midwives Anne Leblond (above) and Carolyn Thibeault (inset) have joined the team of pregnancy care providers at Encompass Pregnancy Care Cranbrook. Photos submitted

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