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Home Ā» Online crime reporting available in Cranbrook

Posted: February 5, 2024

Online crime reporting available in Cranbrook

Since January 2020, an online crime reporting tool has been made available to residents in the community of Cranbrook.

Residents and business owners, with valid email addresses, are able to use the online crime reporting tool to report less serious crimes that occur in their communities where there is no suspect or witness and follow up by a police officer is not necessarily required.

The online crime reporting tool provides residents a way to submit reports of certain non-emergency crimes online and receive file numbers immediately for their records and submission for insurance claims.

Residents are able to report the following crimes online:

  • Damage/mischief to property under $5,000;
  • Damage/mischief to a vehicle under $5,000;
  • Hit and run to an unoccupied vehicle or property;
  • Theft of bicycle under $5,000;
  • Theft under $5,000;
  • Theft from vehicle under $5,000;
  • Lost property.

In addition to providing a more convenient way for residents to make a report, this tool also allows call takers and frontline personnel to focus on higher priority calls, which will improve overall safety and response times within the communities.

ā€œOftentimes we hear from residents that they donā€™t want to ā€˜botherā€™ us with reporting.Ā  If crimes remain unreported we are unable to direct our resources appropriately,ā€ said Cst. Katie Forgeron.

ā€œThe online reporting tool assists the RCMP in directing resources where they will most be needed, by correlating instances in certain areas and letting us know where crime is occurring.ā€

To make an online report, please go to:Ā

Residents are also still able to make reports by attending the Cranbrook RCMP Detachment or by calling 250-489-3471.

Cranbrook RCMP

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