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Home » Most capital works projects ending over the next month

Posted: September 10, 2024

Most capital works projects ending over the next month

Phase three of the City of Cranbrook’s lagoons project has officially kicked off, with the project contractor Copcan Civil LP on site and having completed the in-stream works and has now started on berm reconstruction (pictured).

City administration provided an update on the various Capital Works projects, including the next phase of the lagoons project to council at its regular meeting on Monday night.

Along with the removal of the debris, new riprap has been placed on the outside of lagoon three while work inside of lagoon cell two has also started. Construction of the new berm core is underway to allow re-sloping of the lagoon along the creek edge prior to riprap being placed.

Administration also updated council on two road reconstruction projects.

The 12th Avenue South reconstruction project is nearing completion with all the deep utility upgrades now in place, along with the new road structure, curb and gutter installed. Final sidewalk, road preparation and landscaping work will be completed over the next couple of weeks.

The 6th Street South reconstruction project (pictured right) is also close to wrapping up with all the new watermain and property services installed. The contractor is finishing the storm sewer main and catch basins and is to begin road construction over the next few days. Curb and gutter work is slated to begin around the middle of September.

An interactive, online map launched in July on the city’s website makes locations and updates on our

Capital Works projects more accessible. You can find the story map and the latest information on all our Capital Works projects anytime at

The City of Cranbrook gratefully acknowledges the financial contributions of the Canada Community Building Fund (former Gas Tax Fund) toward all these important infrastructure projects.

Lead image: 12th Avenue South Project. City of Cranbrook photos

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