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Home » Fernie Valley Pathway final design funds secured

Posted: October 11, 2024

Fernie Valley Pathway final design funds secured

A new trail connecting the City of Fernie to the Fernie Alpine Resort is one step closer to reality as new funding has been secured for the project’s final design.

“The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) was successful in applying for the BC Active Planning Grant on behalf of the Fernie Trails Alliance (FTA), securing funds for $50,000 for the Fernie Valley Pathway final design and construction permitting,” explained RDEK Electoral Area A Director Thomas McDonald.

“Once complete, this pathway will increase accessibility for all and benefit both residents and visitors.”

The Fernie Valley Pathway final design work has been awarded to McElhanney Ltd. and is expected to begin this month. The overall project is funded by the Fernie Trails Alliance, the Fernie Snow Valley Community Association, RDEK Area A Elk Valley Property Tax Sharing Agreement and the Province of B.C. as follows:

  • RDEK Elk Valley Property Tax Sharing Agreement – $137,657;
  • BC Active Planning Grant – $50,000;
  • Fernie Trail Alliance Contribution – $34,000;
  • Fernie Snow Valley Community Association – $10,000.

“We are grateful to all involved and look forward to the next crucial step in bringing this project to life, which will happen when applications begin for funding of the trail construction,” said the Executive Director of the Fernie Trials Alliance, Melanie Wrigglesworth.

The RDEK will apply to the BC Active Infrastructure Grant on behalf of the FTA this fall. If successful, the funding will be used to complete construction, which is expected to get underway in 2025/2026.

Once completed, the pathway will be incorporated into the RDEK’s Regional Park Plan as an Electoral Area A Park and a five-year operations and maintenance budget will be prepared by staff.

Lead image: Melanie Wrigglesworth – Executive Director of the Fernie Trails Alliance, and Thomas McDonald – RDEK Electoral Area A Director. RDEK photo

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