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Home » Sparwood Lions host joint valley club meeting

Posted: October 19, 2024

Sparwood Lions host joint valley club meeting

The Sparwood Lions Club proudly hosted a joint meeting of the District 19-I-2 Lions Clubs, bringing together approximately 30 members from the Sand Creek, Fernie, Elkford, and Sparwood Lions Clubs.

The event featured a special visit from District Governor Chuck Robinson of the Lake Chelan Lions Club.

The Elkford and Sand Creek Lions shared some of their club swag with the DG and Zone Clubs.

The Sparwood Lions will be donating to the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides in honour of DG Chuck Robinson. Special thanks to the Causeway Bay Hotel for generously donating the Emerald Room for this gathering and serving up a great meal.

Pictured above are DG Chuck Robinson, Elkford Lions President Gilbert Bourgeois, Sparwood Lions President Danny Dwyer, and Sand Creek Lions President Gary Mitchell. (Missing from the photo, due to other commitments, is Ted Shoesmith, Fernie Lions Club President).

Sparwood Lions Club photo

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