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Home » RDEK invites comments on financial plan

Posted: February 19, 2014

RDEK invites comments on financial plan

The draft Five-Year Financial Plan has been presented to the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors and the regional government is now inviting public comment on the plan.

“The Financial Plan lays out a very specific budget for 2014 and a more general forecast for the years 2015-2018,” explains RDEK Chief Financial Officer Shawn Tomlin. “Currently, the 2014 budget includes expenditures of just over $24.5 million dollars, which represents an overall decrease of 0.7%.”

Copies of the Five-Year Financial Plan and comment forms are available for viewing on the RDEK’s website (, and at both the Cranbrook and Columbia Valley RDEK offices.

The RDEK will also be posting a series of short videos that provide a general overview of the 2014 budget, along with a more specific look at how the proposed budget impacts each Electoral Area.

“If people have comments or questions about the Plan, we would like to hear from them,” adds Tomlin. “This presents an opportunity for discussion about the Plan and the RDEK’s direction for the coming year to five years.”

Staff continues to meet with elected officials, and other groups and organizations around the region as part of the consultation. Public comments will be received until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, February 28.


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