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Fish, wildlife and park permits move to FrontCounter BC
FrontCounter BC will begin processing fish, wildlife and park use permit applications through their 29 regional locations effective April 1, Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson announced last week.
Since 2004, the Ministry’s Permit and Authorization Service Bureau was the central bureau to process fish, wildlife and park use permits. As
FrontCounter BC staff already assist clients and process a number of natural resource applications, the addition of fish, wildlife and parks use permits fits well within the scope of FrontCounter BC services and further enhances service available to clients through the 29 offices throughout the province and online through:www.FrontCounterBC.gov.bc.ca
The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations is committed to integrating natural resource sector services and improve citizens’ access to government services. Part of that improvement is to streamline permitting processing, decrease turnaround times, and eliminate red tape. Moving the fish, wildlife and park use permitting to the 29 FrontCounter BC offices provides an efficient one window approach that clients demanded and will help prevent permit backlogs in the future.
Hunting and fishing licences continue to be available throughretailers.
Fishing licences are also available online at:
The 10 staff associated with the Permit and Authorization Service Bureau are being offered the opportunity to relocate to a FrontCounter BC office or alternate positions within government.
FrontCounter BC offers more than 130 natural resource-related permits and authorizations at each location.
The FrontCounter BC contact centre handles more than 25,000 inquiries annually.
In 2012-13, over 8,000 fish and wildlife applications were processed and in 2011-12, 3,000 park use permit applications were processed.
FrontCounter BC: http://www.frontcounterbc.gov.bc.ca/