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Electoral Area C Volunteer of the Year recognized
Denis Petryshen was recognized as the 2014 Regional District of East Kootenay Electoral Area C Volunteer of the Year at the Area C Town Hall Meeting Thursday night (May 29).
Petryshen is an outstanding leader who has contributed to the Bull River community for the past 30 years.
“Denis has volunteered countless hours working on the Bull River Community Hall including doing everything from construction projects, to year-round grounds maintenance, land lease agreements, and pursuing funding opportunities,” says Area C Director Rob Gay. “No matter what he is doing, he does it with enthusiasm and passion.”
As a 30-year member of the Bull River Ranchers’ BBQ Association, Petryshen has helped organize social events and fundraisers to celebrate the community and is quick to support his friends and neighbours.
“Denis is known for his kind hearted spirit and his nominators pointed out that he is the first to help a neighbour in need whether its feeding their cattle or supplying loads of firewood,” adds Gay.
Denis was also instrumental in the Cranbrook Community Forest Society’s eco-system ‘work bees’ that were held twice a year in 2011 and 2012.
The Volunteer of the Year ceremony was held in conjunction with the Area C Town Hall Meeting in Wardner.
The next Area C Town Hall Meeting will be held on Thursday, June 19, at the Cranbrook Public Library Manual Training Centre. For a list of all the RDEK Town Hall Meetings, visit www.rdek.bc.ca.
Lead image: Electoral Area C Director and RDEK Board Chair Rob Gay, left, with 2014 Electoral Area C Volunteer of the Year Denis Petryshen. Photos submitted