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Home » CFUW Cranbrook Club open to new members

Posted: August 31, 2014

CFUW Cranbrook Club open to new members

With an interesting line-up of activities and speakers again this year at our monthly meetings, members of the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Cranbrook Club want to remind all area women that they are welcome to join the club at any time.

“Members Rice Ann and Daphne Kelgard have a worked on this year’s programs that promise to be fun, interesting and will definitely open our minds to what could be, new knowledge for anyone interested,” said club President Cathryn Henley.

Any woman with either a college or university diploma can join our group, as can a woman with a desire to work towards the goals of our club. CFUW Cranbrook Club has 12 members locally and is a member of CFUW National, a non-partisan, voluntary, self-funded, bilingual and non-governmental organization of women in 100 clubs across Canada that works to improve the status of women and girls, educational, peace, justice and human rights in Canada and worldwide. CFUW has a special consultative status at the United Nations (ECOSO) and belongs to the Sectoral Committee on Education of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. CFUW is the largest of 61 national affiliates of the International Federation of University Women (IFUW).

This is our 33rd year in Cranbrook. We meet on the third Thursday of the month for an hour educational program followed with a business meeting. Newcomers can choose to stay for the business meeting or not.

SandyZThursday, September 18, we will all meet at 6:45 p.m. on the 17th Avenue side of the Western Financial Place, formerly known as the Rec Plex. Promptly at 7 p.m., well-known local volunteer “in everything” Sandy Zeznik (pictured), who is also the Woman of the Year of 2010, will demonstrate the proper and safe use of the outdoor exercise equipment.

Our business meeting will be held in the building’s main hall where Shivers is open for refreshments.

Jean Trimble will guide us through the huge renovations of the Armond Grande on Thursday, October 16. Again, any woman interested in joining us can. We will be meeting at 6:45 p.m. outside of what is known as the Armond Theatre on 10th Avenue in downtown Cranbrook.

Our 30th Annual Fundraising event is slated for Saturday, November 8 at the Cranbrook Golf Clubhouse. This Annual Artisan Bazaar showcases top-notch East Kootenay artisans. If you would like to rent a space at this prestigious event, please contact us at our email address: [email protected].

For further information about the CFUW Cranbrook Club, you are welcome to go to our website at

CFUW Cranbrook

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