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Sparwood SAR annual BBQ Sept. 18
Sparwood Search and Rescue will be holding its fourth annual Open House and Barbeque on Thursday, September 18, from 5 until 8 p.m., at the Search and Rescue building at 705 Douglas Fir Road.
We would like to invite everyone to come learn about what Search and Rescue does, and meet the dedicated people who are on call 24/7 to help keep people in B.C. safe. We will have all our vehicles and equipment on display, demonstrations of rescue techniques, activities for kids and information on backcountry safety. There will be hot food on the grill and plenty of cold beverages!
Sparwood SAR is actively recruiting new volunteers, and not only in emergency response roles: we’re also looking for people who are willing to help with administration, maintenance, fundraising and many other behind-the-scenes jobs that SAR can’t function without. The open house is a great time to come down and see how you can help!
Here are a few SAR facts:
– Sparwood Search and Rescue volunteers have responded to six calls from January 2014 – present, totaling over 120 person-hours, and over 900 training hours.
– Sparwood SAR is an all-volunteer organization: despite being on call 24/7 and putting in many long days, our members receive no pay for their time.
– B.C.’s SAR teams stand by a “no charge for rescue” policy: we do not bill people for our services, so nobody needs to worry about whether they can “afford” to be rescued.
For updates on our open house and on Sparwood SAR in general, you can check out our Facebook page or visit our website at sparwood.vr-sar.org.
Remember, if you’re planning to head into the outdoors it’s a good idea to be informed on backcountry safety by visiting www.adventuresmart.ca. And if you have an emergency, don’t hesitate to call 911 – helping people is why we are here!
Sparwood Search and Rescue