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Discussion begins on future of park land in Wilmer
Twenty people turned out to a community meeting in Wilmer June 24 to discuss their vision for the future of the parcel of land historically known as Selkirk Park.
“We started the night off with an overview of the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) parks system, followed by a history of the Selkirk Park property,” explained RDEK Electoral Area G Director Gerry Wilkie. “We then opened the floor up and had a really good community discussion about the future of the park and what people would like to see done with the property.”
The community meeting was the first step in seeking the community’s input on the future of the park.
The RDEK has created an online survey that will be open until July 5 and for those without a computer, hard copies will be available at the Columbia Valley RDEK Office until July 3. The link to the electronic survey is: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/selkirkpark.
For the past 40 years the province has leased the area historically known as Selkirk Park to the RDEK for community park purposes, but it was never developed. This lease has now expired. If the community wishes to see the lease renewed, the RDEK needs to hear the community’s vision for the land in order to create a required management plan for the province.
The survey deadline is July 5 and the results of the survey will be compiled and shared with the community later that month.