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Home » Autism Gala raised $7,500 for Behaviour Intervention Program

Posted: November 23, 2013

Autism Gala raised $7,500 for Behaviour Intervention Program

My name is Brandy Sims and my son is five and has Autism. I helped to organize a fundraiser to benefit his therapy program, The EK Behaviour Intervention Program, on Nov. 2, The Art For Autism Gala.

Thanks to all the help and support we got, from so many generous and loving people, we were able to raise $7,500!

We would like to let people know that donations can still be made to the program at any time. It is such a wonderful program that helps so many children and families across the East Kootenay.

They are a non-profit organization and are always trying to offer more programming or even more therapy hours for the children who benefit so greatly from the program.

The government funds these children for up to 10 hours per week of this essential therapy, even though the recommended amount of hours per week is actually 25. All money raised goes into the program and directly to benefit the children involved.

I have included this Youtube video link to a short video to help people see a little bit of how things are with a child on the Autism Spectrum and how much the program has helped and continues to do so. Please take time to watch the video and share if you feel so inclined.

Donations can be made to The EK Behaviour Intervention Program all year long. They are located at the Kootenay Child Development Centre 16 – 12th Ave. North. Cranbrook.

Thanks so much!!

Brandy Sims

The Cake Lady,


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