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Mixed messages

By Bob Ede, Palliser Pass Op-Ed Commentary The volume of tourists in the Windermere Valley over the Christmas holidays and continuing into January has been…

Polar Bear Plunge was a RAD event

After a week of deep freeze the sun came out warming to a welcome -6° C for the hearty bathers taking part in Rad Society’s…

Orion and the wordless night

By Bob Ede The leaves are down. The winter constellations are up throughout the night. There ain’t no denying it. The cold is coming. Willow and…

False Dawn

By Bob Ede Now the smoke is clearing we can get back to stargazing in clear dark skies. September is a wonderful month for pointing…

Open Letter to Wayne Stetski

By Bob Ede Have you ever noticed politicians regardless of party seem to have, at least, one thing in common? If they were birds, it…

The Perseids didn’t disappoint

By Bob Ede If you could find a patch of clear sky, the Perseids Meteor Shower didn’t disappoint. Two and three meteors could be seen…