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Posted: March 26, 2013

EKC members have a voice at their AGM

Cranbrook schools prepare for Young Entrepreneur Show and Sparwood looks for love

It’s going to be a busy spring in EKC country!

On April 17 East Kootenay Community Credit Union (EKC) will celebrate 63 years in the East Kootenay.  All members are invited to join our board at the Annual General Meeting on April 17 starting at 7 p.m. at the Heritage Inn Cranbrook. Light refreshments will follow the meeting. Everyone is welcome.

Also on April 17 we invite you to release your inner dragon, or shark, and join us at the Cranbrook Young Entrepreneur Show.

Students at three Cranbrook schools have been learning what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

Did you know that entrepreneurship and small business is the career choice of 44% of Canadians?  Each student entrepreneur created a product and developed a business plan to sell that product.  Student entrepreneurs from each school will present their products for sale at the Final Showcase to be held at the Heritage Inn in Cranbrook Wednesday April 17 from 1 to 2:30 p.m.  Please join us. You may discover the next Apple or Google, or perhaps a talented student to hire in the future. Ten percent of their proceeds from product sales will be donated to charity.  EKC would like to thanks the teachers, principals and district office for their support.

You are also invited to share a little love with Sparwood on March 27, the first anniversary of EKC’s Sparwood branch. The party starts at 5:30 p.m. and runs until 8:30 p.m. at the branch at 124 Aspen Drive. Come and enjoy a barbeque and refreshments. Bring the kids for PT the Clown and entertainment with DJ McRae. Show Sparwood a little love and enter your drawing of ‘Why I love Sparwood’ and enter to win a patio set and BBQ worth $1,000.

Recently EKC’s CEO Jody Burk unveiled proposed plans for the area surrounding the Sparwood branch, including a play park, new access, potential retail space and condos over the museum of the Michel-Natal Heritage Society. Plans for developing the Sparwood area are currently in the planning stage and EKC is reviewing public feedback from the open house.

“We are committed to helping to create communities with healthy growth said Mr. Burk.

Eric Johnstone, Sparwood Branch Manager supports Burk’s vision “We want to add to a community where people will want to walk around, linger and meet others.  “Sparwood’s strong economy and proud mining history together with the incredible sense of community and caring shown by the involvement and excitement makes this a place we feel a real belonging too, and are proud to be part of.”


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