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Indoor Markets running until June
The Cranbrook Farmer’s Market will kick off our eighth year of operation with a market this Saturday, January 9.

We will offer a season of Indoor Markets on the second and fourth Saturdays of the months from January to June, running from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Ktunaxa Nation Gym at 220 Cranbrook St North.
These twice a month markets will provide the opportunity to shop locally and give food growers, producers and artisans another opportunity to connect with their customers during the winter and spring months.
Market shoppers can find everything from locally grown pork, beef and lamb, apples, juice and carrots, shoots and micro-greens , farm eggs, sausage and pepperoni, sourdough breads, delicious baked goods, preserves, hand – made candies, to lusciously crafted body care products, wood carvings, jewelry and hand knit/ sewn clothing items for everyone from babies on up.
If one of your goals this year is to do more of your shopping locally, come on out to check out the Indoor Markets! Our full 2016 calendar including dates, times and locations can be found at www.cranbrookfarmersmarket.com
Cranbrook Farmer’s Market