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Home » Industrial Park gets a Valentine from council

Posted: February 15, 2012

Industrial Park gets a Valentine from council

The District of Invermere intends to give the Industrial Park more municipal attention moving forward.

District council Feb. 14 unanimously approved Focus Corporation’s $33,600 (including HST) bid to complete a comprehensive business park plan that will address storm water management, multi-use access options, improved signage, landscaping, lighting and safety on Industrial Roads No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and Panorama Drive.

“The District of Invermere has identified a need for infrastructure improvements within the Industrial Park and Panorama Drive and had approved capital road improvements of $439,675 over 2011 to 2018,” noted Rory Hromadnik, district director of development services, in a report to council.

“Upon review of the road conditions, and in consultation with business park owners, (May 31, 2011) it became clear that a better understanding of the issues within the park including storm water management, access, safety, signage and the overall appearance require addressing.  The a portion of the capital funding targeted for 2011 was put on hold and request for redirection of $30,000 from the capital fund to comprehensive engineered plans addressing the key issue identified,” he stated.

Council and administrative staff pointed out that storm water management needs to be tackled sooner than later in the Athalmer Industrial Park.

“We need to address the water – storm water has really been compromised,” Hromadnik told council.

Chief administrative officer Chris Prosser said Athalmer’s water table is “consistently three feet below the ground (and up to as much as 12 feet in some places) and pooling constantly occurs at certain areas.

Hromadnik also stated the roads need improving. “They fell apart real fast last year,” he said.

Council members said they were pleased that something was being considered for the Industrial Park.

“Even though we don’t have a lot of money to follow through on anything – you just have to drive through to see we haven’t paid much attention to it for some time,” said Coun. Spring Hawes.

“The industrial Park is a really important business driver for Invermere and the valley,” said Mayor Gerry Taft. “It’s time to focus some attention in that area, as well.”

Ian Cobb/e-KNOW

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