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Home » Creative Energy Arts Factory honours teacher through mammography

Posted: February 14, 2012

Creative Energy Arts Factory honours teacher through mammography

Creative Energy Arts Factory is an engaging and dynamic studio for the performing arts located in beautiful Fernie.  Their programs are designed with joy in mind while still being stimulating and challenging.  They are staffed with educated, qualified and fantastic instructors and their studio pulses with a vibrant energy.  At the Factory they embrace all things creative.  Dance, sing, act, play and dream.

It is that sense of belonging to something bigger that drove the students of Alana Rybar, Principal Director of the Creative Energy Arts Factory to take on the Nutcracker Ballet last year.  Not only did the students challenge themselves creatively, they decided to take things to a new level by encouraging donations to the A Clear View – digital mammography campaign in honour of Alana who is a breast cancer survivor.

Diagnosed in February 2010, Alana made the journey outside the East Kootenay area to gain access to a digital mammography unit and to undergo a stereotactic biopsy.  At 36 years of age, having the newest technology available to her was an integral part of the original diagnosis and also now for the ongoing follow up visits which her Vancouver oncologist uses a stereotactic probe.

“Knowing that a digital stereotactic mammography unit may become a reality in the East Kootenay is just so meaningful for me. My appointments will be closer to home, the impact on travel for my family will be reduced and the benefits for other individuals will be amazing,” says Alana.

Her students took to the stage with ease and by the end of the performance their dream of honouring their teacher also resulted in a gift for A Clear View in the amount of $514.

When Alana’s brother, Darren Minifie, heard the story he told Alana that he too wanted to celebrate her spirit, hope and courage and did so by making a $1,000 gift in support of his sister.

“This is yet another story of the courage of a breast cancer survivor,  Alana is a mother, a daughter, a sister, and a friend to her students and one of the many reasons the digital stereotactic mammography unit will make a difference in lives of many,” explains Donna Grainger, East Kootenay Foundation for Health (EKFH) Executive Director.

EKFH’s has undertaken its biggest fundraiser to date, a 2-year, and $1 million campaign and encourages you to be part of the picture, the ability to triumph begins with you.   To make a donation visit the secured website


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