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Home » Wasa Lions welcome district governor

Posted: January 19, 2012

Wasa Lions welcome district governor

The Wasa District Lions Club gathered for its regular twice-monthly dinner meeting on a cold, winter evening last night (Jan. 17), with a special guest in attendance.

Gerald Mottl, Lions Club 19-E District Governor and president of the Baynes Lake Lions Club appeared before about 30 members of the Wasa Club Tuesday night to deliver the message that Lions Clubs around the globe continue to provide large measures of support and funding, but concerns remain about dwindling memberships.

While there are 1.3 million Lions world-wide, in 206 nations, the Lions need fresh blood, said Mottl, a Cranbrook resident.

“Young people are the future of the Lions Club,” he said. “We need new members and we need new young members.”

Mottl urged the assembled Lions to keep seeking new members and be persistent, noting the good work the Lions do as the end incentive for folks to join the club.

“Unfortunately, a lot of groups have let their members become old,” he joked.

He also provided a breakdown on what’s happening in the district, such as ongoing tree planting efforts, with almost seven million planted around the world in the past few years.

While tree planting may not seem like a sensible project for East Kootenay clubs because of the large volumes of trees in the region, Mottl pointed out that “there are parts of the world that don’t have any trees.”

The Lions continue to make funds available for disaster areas around the world, with the Japanese earthquake and tsunami of March 2011 the latest world event that received help. Over $2 million was donated by Lions around the world.

If a disaster happens locally, he added, “There is money available, almost immediately, within a couple of days.”

District 19 also continues with its work in Ecuador, he said, concluding his talk by presenting Wasa Lions Club president Dean Buchignani with a couple of special pins.

“It’s always interesting to get another perspective” of the Lions’ work, Buchignani said before closing the meeting.

Pictured above: District Governor Gerald Mottl, left, with Wasa Club president Dean Buchignani.

Ian Cobb/e-KNOW

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