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Posted: February 25, 2017

Coldest Night of the Year

Date(s) - 25/02/2017
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

pin Hide Map Community Connections Society of Southeast BC


On February 25th, Cranbrook has something to celebrate – and so could you!

That’s the night folks in Cranbrook will join thousands of others in over 100 cities across Canada in “The Coldest Night of the Year”, a 2, 5 and 10 km winter walk-a-thon in support of the hungry, homeless and hurting.

In Cranbrook, we’ll be walking for the Homeless Outreach and Prevention Programs which are part of the Community Connections Society of South East BC.
Homeless Outreach and Prevention acts as a conduit to housing, income assistance and support services. It serves individuals, couples, seniors and families who are in crisis and experiencing some level of homelessness or are at risk of homeless. These programs actively work to reduce the effects of poverty to people in your community.
Our goal in the WALK is to raise $50,000 on February 25th with the support of 25+ teams and 200+ walkers. I’m writing you to ask for your support in two ways:
Sponsorship: Corporate support
Participation: Team Captain, team member

The WALK is something special. It’s fun, challenging and meaningful. CCS and the Homeless Outreach and Prevention programs is also something special and its work and service in our community are essential. Please consider joining us by walking and sponsoring this great event.
I look forward to following up with you about potential opportunities.

And remember, its cold out there~

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