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MP takes Golden rafting issue to House
Kootenay–Columbia MP Wayne Stetski today made a statement in the House of Commons in support of Golden’s rafting industry, threatened by a Transport Canada/Canadian Pacific Railway impending closure of a crossing in the Kicking Horse River’s Lower Canyon.
“Mr. Speaker, after 40 years of successful and safe operations, the rafting industry in Golden, B.C. has been notified that, due to safety concerns, they will no longer be allowed to cross Canadian Pacific Railway’s tracks to access the Lower Canyon of the Kicking Horse River.
“The rafting industry is a major economic driver in Golden, and community and industry leaders believe that a simple rail crossing with safety education for employees and guests can resolve these concerns. But now CP is refusing to allow any kind of crossing at all,” Stetski stated.
“Mr. Speaker, CP can’t have it both ways. They can’t insist that the tracks are unsafe to cross, and then refuse to make the crossing safer. To make matters worse, this news comes just before the start of the rafting season.
“Mr. Speaker, I rise in the House today to stand with Golden’s rafting industry and to call on the government to get this issue resolved now,” Stetski said.
In related news, a rally is planned for April 30 in Golden, with a solidarity paddle planned.
For more check out the Save the Lower Canyon Facebook page.