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Posted: May 1, 2016

Your weekly Haloscopes

By Brenda Ann Babinski

The messages this week bring huge changes, shifts and soul contract stuff. With three of the cards pulled being major arcana, this is a good indication that metaphorically speaking, now is the time when the spiritual rubber hits the road. Choose the direction or directions that feel right for you and check below for the Reveal.

This weekā€™s Haloscopes have been inspired by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentineā€™s Angel Tarot cards.

And here is the REVEAL:

HaloinsetIf you chose North: Strength ā€“ The first of the three major arcana cards this week, Strength talks about releasing the need to judge both yourself and others. This kind of strength requires letting go, releasing, and finding the compassion within to forgive yourself and others for any real or perceived wrongs. Bring strength through softening, like water, which has the power to erode mountains, but is soft and flowing. This is a time of great shifts and changes, and by loosening your need to control, and flowing with the prevailing energies, you will gain the strength and insights you need to move to the next phase of your spiritual growth.

If you chose South: The Wheel ā€“ Big wheel keeps on turning, and this week you will feel yourself shifting into a whole new paradigm. While change can feel scary, try to trust and relax. The big, beautiful energy of Archangel Michael is surrounding you with protective shields and lighting the way to a most positive time of change. Release what needs releasing and embrace the new. This is a card of destiny and soul path, so believe that everything is turning out the way it is meant to, for your highest and greatest good. You are on the right path. Trust that wonderful things are just around the next corner.

If you chose West: Awakening ā€“ Wow! The changes and shifts are huge, and those who turned West this week will be looking at things from a whole new perspective. You may feel stuck, like you canā€™t seem to get into gear, but your message is to pause and reflect as the Universe continues to work towards your new future. Archangel Gabriel asks you to drop any masks you wear and try very hard to be your truest self. By being authentically YOU, the changes that are coming will feel the most comfortable, and right.

If you chose East: Three of Water ā€“ Phew! Take a breath. Things are going swimmingly for you and it is a great week for having fun, frolicking and celebrating this joyful journey called life. Three of water is an emotional card, bringing happiness and rites of passage. Weddings, graduations, birthdays, and celebrations of all kinds are featured for you this week. If there is nothing concrete in the works, why not plan a Happy To Be Alive party? By joyfully celebrating each breath you take you help to elevate the energy of the whole universe. So have fun and save the world. Life is very, very good.

Brenda BabinskiBrenda Ann Babinski is a writer, speaker, seeker and award-winning blogger. Her curiosity for all things unseen has led Brenda on a crazy, amazing and sometime downright bizarre journey that she shares at

Contact Brenda at [email protected] or call 778-214-2341 for private consultation.Ā  Don’t forget to Like her on Facebook, for your daily Halo:Ā

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