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10 UFO sightings in Kootenays last year
According to the Canadian UFO Survey released April 11 by the Winnipeg-based group Ufology Research, there were 10 unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings in the Kootenays in 2015.
The survey notes there were 1,267 UFO sightings reported in Canada in 2015, or about three or four each day.
“It was the second-highest number of UFO sightings recorded in Canada during the last 30 years, second only to 1,981 reports in 2012, when media attention and pop culture brought attention to the so-called ‘end of the world’ in 2012 according to the Mayan Calendar. There were 1,180 reports in 2013 and 1,021 reports in 2014,” the survey outlined.
Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland had more reported UFOs in 2015 compared with 2014.
In 2015, Quebec had about 35% of all Canadian UFO reports, much more than in previous years, when the percentage was between five and 15%. In 2015, slightly less than 12% of all UFO reports were classified as unexplained. The typical UFO sighting lasted approximately 16 minutes in 2015, the survey highlighted.
Montreal was the city with the most UFO reports (97). Vancouver had 69 and Calgary 17.
Since 1989, Ufology Research (formerly Ufology Research of Manitoba) has solicited UFO case data from known and active investigators and researchers in Canada. The goal has been to provide data for use by researchers trying to understand this controversial phenomenon. Last year (2015) marked the 27th year of collecting and analysing Canadian UFO report data by Ufology Research. With some gaps in data, tables of most Canadian UFO reports included in the annual surveys from 1989 to the present are available online.
The following are the reported sightings in order by date.
Feb. 8, 2015
Location: Invermere
Comments: Green streak of light, likely a meteor.
Feb. 9
Location: Fernie
Comments: Light in sky that rose up and shot off.
March 11
Location: New Denver
Comments: White light in sky that seemed to pulsate.
March 31
Location: Nelson
Comments: Bright pulsing light in sky moving erratically, star sized.
April 16
Location: Balfour
Comments: Star line light appeared to increase in brightness then dimmed.
April 30
Location: Yahk
Comments: Supposed video of UFO; not shown.
May 5
Location: Cranbrook
Comments: light in sky that appeared to be a satellite acting strangely.
May 23
Location: Panorama
Comments: Four orange lights in sky.
July 15
Location: Creston
Comments: Star like light appeared to have spikes of light coming out of it.
Dec. 23
Location: Kimberley
Comments: blue disc seen in sky.
Sightings reported in nearby Southern Alberta
April 16
Location: Glenwood
Comments: Two small satellite type lights in sky.
May 23
Location: Lethbridge
Comments: Two green orbs flew over.
July 17
Location: High River (east of Invermere)
Comments: satellite type object pulsed in sky.
July 29
Location: Kananaskis
Comments: Two fast flying objects nose to tail suddenly disappeared.
July 29
Location: Bragg Creek
Comments: Bright star like object followed by a second light went nose to tail for 30 seconds.
August 3
Location: Parkland
Comments: Big orange light in sky that disappeared.
August 13
Location: Canmore
Comments: Huge disc appears, orange glow, fuzzy static, dizzy and vomiting after, visions of being in a ship.
November 10
Location: Lake Louise
Comments: Coloured lights seen in sky.
See the full survey results HERE.