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Home » Baby bear hit by vehicle was left for dead

Posted: August 11, 2014

Baby bear hit by vehicle was left for dead

On August 7, at around 10:30 p.m. a vehicle driving between Kimberley and Marysville hit a baby bear.

Photos submitted
Photos submitted

The driver left the scene without calling anyone to report this. I am very disappointed.

As my sister Manuela and I approached this incident on the highway, Mike Honeyman, wife Kerry Morris and their friends Ben and Pamela Dunn were already stopped warning traffic with their hazard lights on.

My sister and I got out of my car, walked over to see it still breathing and only bleeding slightly, and clearly in shock.

At first Mike moved this baby to the side of the road. But there was no way I could just “leave” it like that.

So I told them to “put the baby bear in my car, we are taking him to the vet.”

So Mike laid the bear in the back of my hatchback and we headed to my sister’s house.

Baby Bear 2We get in the car, turned on the inside light to keep an eye on the bear, and my sister starts making phone calls. First she called the vet, then the Conservation Officer who gave approval for the vet to work on this baby and then the vet again, so we headed right for Steeples Veterinary Clinic.

All I remember is looking into my rear view mirror, and seeing two ears poke up and yes it melted my heart, as he was sitting in the back, and then they disappeared. The bear was sitting up for half the ride, and laying down for half the ride.

My sister called her partner Shane to get the dog kennel and a blanket ready in Wycliffe where she lived, as we have a bear in the car. Shane, obviously thinking this is a joke, but later convinced transferred the baby into a dog kennel. We transferred the dog kennel to the truck and off to the vet we go.

At the vet, this baby ate, peed and pooped, and walked around although limping. It made it thru the night, and later it was decided he should be transferred to a rehab in Smithers.

My thanks goes out to Mike, Kerry, Ben and Pamela who stopped to warn traffic and then later transferring the bear into my car, the “other” vehicle stopping to provide that extra bit of feeling of safety in case momma bear was close, my sister, Manuela for keeping an eye on him in the back of the car while I drove, her partner Shane for transferring the bear into the dog kennel, and finally the vet at Steeples for being there so fast to look at this beautiful baby.

Steeples organized a trip to Smithers, via air to Northern Lights Wildlife Society where this baby bear will spend some time and then be released back into the wild.

We are trying to raise funds to cover some of the costs of rehab for this baby. Our goal is to raise $2500. If you have anything to spare, please, please, please donate.

Donate: We created a gofundme page called Baby Bear Rescue – Kimberley, where you can donate via Facebook. This is so much appreciated. The funds will help the rescue center cover costs for his rehab.

We express our sincere thanks to everyone who helped!

Stephanie & Manuela Hirn

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