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Bylaw Services reminds residents to control dogs
Residents are reminded that allowing your dog to run at large in the City of Cranbrook is not allowed, under the city’s Animal Control Bylaw.
The bylaw requires the owner of any dog to ensure that it does not run at large. “Run at Large” is defined in short as any dog located on property other than that of the owner and not under immediate control by means of a leash.
The Animal Control Officer may impound any animal found to be running at large and keep the animal impounded until all impound fees have been paid. If the dog is not already licensed, a license must be purchased prior to its release. The owner may also be subject to a fine of $100 for allowing the dog to be at large, regardless if it is impounded or not.
A sterile, licensed dog would cost $25 rising to $150 per impound after three impounds; a non-sterile, licensed dog would cost $40 rising to $165 after three impounds. A sterile, unlicensed dog would cost $50 rising to $175 per impound after three impounds; a sterile, unlicensed dog would cost $65 rising to $190 per impound after three impounds.
Any complaints can be directed to the Bylaw Office at 250-489-9598.
For more information about the city’s Animal Control Bylaw, please visit our website and click on ‘Bylaws & Council Information’ under City of Cranbrook links.
City of Cranbrook