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Columbia Valley RCMP Report
At 6:50 a.m. on August 12, Columbia Valley RCMP Detachment received a complaint of theft from a vehicle in the 700 block of 12th Ave. in Invermere. A wallet and iPod were stolen from a 2012 Kia Sportage.
Collision with sheep near Radium
At 9 p.m. on August 13, police responded to an incident where a 2014 Dodge Durango, driven by a 40-year-old female from Calgary, collided with a bighorn sheep on Highway 93/95 near Radium Hot Springs. She was not injured and the vehicle was still able to be driven. The sheep appeared not badly injured and ran from the scene. A search of the area failed to locate the injured sheep.
Locked in a car at Panorama
At 4:46 p.m. on August 14, police were called to assist with a vehicle door that accidently closed and locked two children in the vehicle in the 2300 block of Springs Creek Road at Panorama Mountain Resort. The parents were on hand and were unable to have OnStar open the vehicle given the location. The father of the children ended up smashing the window.
Assault in Canal Flats
At 10 a.m. on August 15, Columbia Valley Detachment investigated a complaint of assault that happened at the Family Pantry in Canal Flats. A 38-year-old male and 18-year-old male from the valley were in a verbal argument that ended up being physical. Two other people, friends of the 18-year-old male, also joined in on the assault. Video was obtained from the store and will be viewed by the police as both parties are stating the other initiated the confrontation.
Roaming drunks herded into cells
On August 16 Panorama Mountain Resort Security contacted the detachment advising that they had two intoxicated males roaming the village causing problems. Two males were disturbing a private wedding party. Police attended and arrested a 27-year-old male from Okotoks and a 26 year old male from Cold Lake, Alberta. Both were lodged in cells and released in the morning with tickets for being drunk in public.
Windermere beach disturbance
At 2 a.m. on August 16, police were called to a noise complaint on Nappe Road in Windermere. A group of youths were causing a disturbance on the beach. On police attendance the group on the beach had moved to a nearby residence. Police attended to the residence and spoke to the owner.
Woman charged with assault
At 3:34 a.m. on August 16, Columbia Valley Detachment responded to a domestic assault complaint. The victim and suspect were located in the 1300 block of 17th Street. An investigation resulted in a 21-year-old female being arrested and charged with assault.
Dangerous climbing
At noon on August 16, Columbia Valley Detachment received a report of male youths climbing the steel structure of the Dutch Creek Bridge. The males had departed by the time the police arrived.
Panic alarm response
At 4:37 p.m. on August 16, police responded to a panic alarm at Columbia House. An elderly patient with a history of violent outbursts had threatened staff. The male had calmed down by the time police arrived.
Cheers and jeers
I refuse to put in a cheers or jeers unless I put my name to it. So, like others who need the outlet to vent their frustrations for jeers, the police have the same types of frustrations. If I stab you, I prefer to stab you in the chest where you see it coming.
So, I would like to empty my duffle bag of cheers and jeers.
– Cheers to Big Al, Total Heating for putting in air conditioning at the house in Golden.
– Cheers to me for asking a lot of questions to learn all I can about air conditioning units.
– Jeers to Big Al, Total Heating for telling me to get lost and go bug the electricians and let him to his work.
– Cheers to James and his crew of electricians for being more courteous to me.
– Jeers to Big Al’s dog crapping on my neighbour’s lawn. Cheers for me for picking it up.
– Jeers to me for having the thought of tucking it away in his van.
– Cheers to the citizens who have picked up my coffee at the Tim Horton’s drive through.
– Jeers to my wife for once again going into her B.E.V (Be Ever Vigilant) mode this weekend. Constant chirping in my ear on my driving. Bev was wondering why our navigator was not talking, giving us directions when to turn. Told Bev the navigator did not want to be rude and interrupt her.