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Home » Combined detachment efforts result in slew of hard drug busts

Posted: May 7, 2012

Combined detachment efforts result in slew of hard drug busts

On Friday May 4, the Cranbrook and Kimberley RCMP detachments updated both the public and town councils on the current results of a pilot project drug enforcement initiative. Local RCMP provided a glimpse of their findings and details of the resulting charges.

Following consultation with city councils regarding policing priorities, the Cranbrook and Kimberley RCMP pooled and shared investigative resources in early 2012, in order to address the identified priority of disrupting a growing illicit drug trend seen in both communities. These investigations have resulted in numerous arrests related to evident trafficking of a variety of controlled substances.

Over 25 drug related charges have been forwarded to Crown counsel to date, with 19 individuals facing charges for Trafficking in a Controlled Substance. Seventeen of those incidents involved the trafficking of cocaine or heroin. Quantities of drugs seized during the street level transactions varied between .5 grams to three grams of cocaine and heroin being sold in points of a gram as well.

Not all arrested were adults, with a number being in their teens and involved both genders. The youngest individual arrested was 16 years old, reports Cranbrook detachment Cpl. Pat Prefontaine.

Arrests and subsequent seizures of illicit drugs in street level transactions also led to search warrant seizures at several residences. Police were alarmed to find some traffickers plying their trade in public areas such as daycare parking lots during daytime business hours and high school parking lots outside of normal school hours.

Drugs seized to date include: cocaine, suspected crack cocaine, heroin, suspected methamphetamine, acid (LSD or Lysergic acid diethylamide), magic mushrooms (Psilocybin), marijuana, hashish and suspected MDMA (Ecstasy).

“Our intention is to continue with this enforcement effort for a determined period of time, at the conclusion of which, the RCMP, the public and community stakeholders will be able to further review the findings and determine the need for a more long term strategy,” stated Acting OIC Cranbrook Sgt. Laurie Jalbert.

“Given the age of some involved, we do recognize the immediate need for the RCMP, families and community agencies to continue our efforts of messaging to our youth that their involvement with drugs has severe consequences that will impact their health and well being in very negative ways,” added Cpl. Prefontaine.

If anyone has any information that could assist the RCMP with this effort or about any other crime, please contact the Cranbrook RCMP at 250-489-3471, Kimberley RCMP at 250-427-4811. Those wishing to provide information anonymously can call the East Kootenay Crimestoppers(1-800-222-TIPS) or submit a webtip by going to East Kootenay Crimestoppers.



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